

INPI recognizes Jundiahy as GI for Niagara Rosada grape

10 de April de 2023

Last Tuesday, April 04, 2023, was published in the Industrial Property Magazine (RPI) the recognition of the Geographical Indication (GI) Jundiahy (SP) for the Niagara Rosada grape, in the type geographical indication (GI). This is the 102nd Brazilian GI, registered with the BPTO.

In total, there are 111 entries on geographical indications at the BPTO, of which 33 are with Appellation of Origin (AO) (24 Brazilian and 9 foreign) and 78 with Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) (all Brazilian).

According to the documents submitted to the BPTO, viticulture in the region, then called Jundiahy, began in September 1887, without economic character. In 1933, for the first time, three pink grapes of the Niagara vine grew among the white grapes. From this spontaneous genetic mutation of a pink grape of the Niagara Branca variety, the Niagara Rosada was born in a neighborhood on the border between the present municipalities of Jundiaí and Louveira (SP). The region of Jundiahy, formed in 1933 from the municipalities of Itupeva and Louveira, among others, is thus considered the birthplace of the Niagara Rosada.

Moved by this discovery, the first Jundiahy grape festival was held in 1934. The fame of the region as a production center for Niagara Rosada is directly related to these festivals, but also to the great grape production and the exhibitions, fairs and wine awards.

The emergence of the pink grape variety is considered one of the most important moments in the history of the town of Jundiaí and its surroundings, as shown by the documents submitted to the BPTO. From that event, seedlings of Niagara Rosada were distributed to other producers in the region, who began to adopt the variety as their main variety.

Niagara Rosada can be considered responsible for the large agricultural, commercial and industrial movement that transformed the region’s communities. In this context, the Comendador Antonio Carbonari Municipal Park, also known as Parque da Uva, inaugurated in 1953 and revived in 2004, reflects the history of Jundiahy as a notorious and traditional center of Niagara Rosada cultivation.
